Friday, December 15, 2023

How to progress faster in creating online products

Thinking about how to create digital products that generate additional income and allow me to leave my work schedule is really difficult, especially when you have many projects in your personal life that take up your time. But the ideal would be to put all the effort into it and not stop until you achieve it. Currently, I try to dedicate 1 hour and 30 minutes to practicing English with Duolingo, but I think I still don't organize myself in the right way to finish my other project of learning react.js. I have spent about 365 hours on Duolingo this year, and my English has improved quite a bit, but still not enough to write a text as long as this one, for which I will use AI with ChatGPT, that's the truth.

I can read it, but I still lack. I am only at a B1 level according to the Duo plan. But still, many words still escape me.

But well, at this point, I am progressing little by little.

I also need to focus on completing Fernando Herrera's ReactJS course, which is about 100 hours. However, when it comes to creating projects, I still fall short. I don't know what's happening. Later, I will have to study the NodeJs course to have a strong foundation on the topic and move forward. I also need to start accumulating ideas for apps that solve problems. Some I have noted down, and others will come to me.

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