Thursday, December 28, 2023

UI of my task management system in Notion

 In order to be faster in note-taking and task management, I have designed a model that has allowed me to work quickly on both personal and professional projects.

The key component of this system is utilizing Notion as the primary management tool. While I also use other tools like Keep for occasional notes and subscribe to Microsoft 365 (taking advantage of to reduce costs by sharing the account), Notion remains the central hub of my workflow.

My management method in Notion, refined over time, involves minimizing the use of shortcuts in the left sidebar. These shortcuts enable easy navigation through notes categorized using the traditional GTD (Getting Things Done) system by David Allen, supplemented by Tiago Forte's PARA system.

I have a direct shortcut to the PARA system, followed by GTD categorized notes. Admittedly, this approach is exceptional and the result of years of trial and error. While there are areas for improvement, such as integrating software development tasks, I am in the planning stages of incorporating these ideas.

Additionally, I have shortcuts for daily tasks, calendar view, inbox, PARA System, life categories, labels, recent captures, and recently edited items. The depth of each category is significant, contributing to a comprehensive management system.

This system allows me to navigate and manage swiftly across all areas of my life. While not perfect, it provides a framework for diving into each area and working on improvements.


Friday, December 15, 2023

How to progress faster in creating online products

Thinking about how to create digital products that generate additional income and allow me to leave my work schedule is really difficult, especially when you have many projects in your personal life that take up your time. But the ideal would be to put all the effort into it and not stop until you achieve it. Currently, I try to dedicate 1 hour and 30 minutes to practicing English with Duolingo, but I think I still don't organize myself in the right way to finish my other project of learning react.js. I have spent about 365 hours on Duolingo this year, and my English has improved quite a bit, but still not enough to write a text as long as this one, for which I will use AI with ChatGPT, that's the truth.

I can read it, but I still lack. I am only at a B1 level according to the Duo plan. But still, many words still escape me.

But well, at this point, I am progressing little by little.

I also need to focus on completing Fernando Herrera's ReactJS course, which is about 100 hours. However, when it comes to creating projects, I still fall short. I don't know what's happening. Later, I will have to study the NodeJs course to have a strong foundation on the topic and move forward. I also need to start accumulating ideas for apps that solve problems. Some I have noted down, and others will come to me.

Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Optimizing My Productivity with Microsoft 365: A Revelatory Experience

Last month, I decided to conduct a thorough test of Microsoft 365 by downloading OneDrive on my main computer, an additional device, and my mobile phone. The experience has been, without a doubt, exceptional, as it has provided an efficient way to consistently organize my files across all my devices.

The ability to access and update documents seamlessly, regardless of the device I'm using, has proven to be an invaluable tool in boosting my productivity. For instance, the ability to view a document on my mobile when my computer is not available and then continue working on the same document when I return to my computer is a functionality that, until now, I had not found in other office suites, such as LibreOffice.

Although LibreOffice is a valid option, the utility and integration that Microsoft 365 offers are incomparable. After a month of testing, with a focus on the utilities of Word and, especially, Excel, which I frequently use in my work, I have made the decision to exclusively adopt the Microsoft suite. Currently, I subscribe to the personal version for €69 per year, which averages a monthly expense of 5.5 euros. I passionately believe that this cost is more than justified by the smoothness and effectiveness it brings to my daily work.

An additional revelation I experienced when migrating to Microsoft 365 was the improvement in managing my emails. When checking my Gmail account in Outlook, I discovered emails that I had surprisingly never seen before, which turned out to be important at the time. It seems that Gmail had categorized them in such a way that they went unnoticed. This integration between Outlook and OneDrive has been a positive change in my daily routine.

Furthermore, I have decided to review and reduce subscriptions to emails from various websites, as I noticed the saturation of messages I received daily. This adjustment will allow me to focus on what truly matters and avoid the accumulation of non-essential information.

Currently, I am using the web version of Word, and a feature that has truly surprised me is the ability to work in dark mode. This functionality is not only aesthetically pleasing but also contributes to a more comfortable user experience, especially during long work sessions.

So, those who can afford the transition to Microsoft 365 will find a set of tools that not only enhance productivity but also offer seamless integration between applications and efficient data management. Personally, I am delighted with this transition and am confident that it will continue to enhance my effectiveness in daily work.

Saturday, September 30, 2023

Workflow in notion to reach your goals, another one, you choose


This is the code in Mermaid if you want to try something.

flowchart LR


PLP[(Pile of Notebooks and Projects)]

LP[(Notebooks & Projects)]

NTS[[Notes & Tasks]]


A ---> |Contains| PLP
PLP ---> |Contains| LP

LP ---> |Has many as| NTS
NTS -..- |Linked to several| LP

NTS <-..-> |Has| Etq

NTS -..- PLP
NTS -..- A


Nstd(Not Started)
Ipro(In Progress)

STS ---> Nstd & Ipro & Dn

I've developed a comprehensive workflow in Notion to effectively manage all my activities, projects, tasks, and notes – essentially, every aspect that requires organization and attention.

Drawing from the principles of Evernote, this approach emphasizes the versatility of notes, encompassing both standard notes and actionable tasks. The inception of a project is marked by a primary note, serving as a pivotal point.

In pursuit of optimal organization, I've streamlined the database into just four primary areas, striving to simplify life's complexities. It's crucial to maintain this database in a concise manner, with the aim of limiting the accumulation of notebooks and projects. According to my expertise, around 15 or fewer notebooks and projects are more manageable and essential for effective management, although the number of notebooks and projects can vary based on individual needs and capacities.

In essence, this approach empowers me to sift through and prioritize activities effectively. The ability to filter and select activities based on specific areas, piles, and projects provides a refined method for focusing on what truly matters and warrants attention.

This constitutes the fundamental structure, but the real versatility lies in the Notes and Tasks section. It's here that a multitude of significant features come into play. For instance, it's the space where you can monitor task status (whether it's completed or currently in progress), link a specific note to a particular project, estimate the time required for execution in minutes, set reminders, define task frequency, establish the context, allocate a specific time in hours, and designate a time block (strategic, buffering, getaway). Furthermore, various filtering views are available, such as "Tasks for Tomorrow" and "Overdue Tasks," prompting you to review and update any unfinished tasks from the previous day. These features enhance adaptability and efficiency in managing activities, providing a comprehensive system for organizing and prioritizing tasks effectively.

Wednesday, August 9, 2023

Prompt lo practice your English with ChatGPT

Use this prom in ChatGPT to learn english:

> We are playing a game in which you correct my grammar and my written English. Sometimes I'll write in English, and other times I'll write in **Spanish**. When I write in English, you'll have to fix the grammar; when I write in **Spanish**, you'll translate it into English. When you correct the grammar of my English, you'll **bold** the words that were fixed. Is that right?

Then create a shortcut in your Chrome navigation to quickly access this great tool.

This works for every language, just change the language to your native one.

**This gives you the opportunity to practice your current English level.** On one hand, you learn when you write in your own language, and on the other hand, you improve your writing in that other language.

You can also write in both languages, but the language you want to learn will prevail; this is great.

Saturday, January 28, 2023

My English level and what I still need to achieve

A while ago, I started my journey to improve my English proficiency, and Duolingo has been a crucial tool on this path. With 189 sections to learn English from Spanish, I have managed to progress to section 45 at the legendary level. However, I must admit that the process hasn't been easy, and it has taken me 179 hours to get here.

Recently, I did a rough calculation of my remaining hours and realized that I still need 751.8 hours to complete the course. This means that if I commit to studying for 1 hour a day, I could finish the course in 2 years. But if I commit a bit more and dedicate 2 hours a day, I could achieve it in just one year.

That's why this year I've set a goal to consistently improve my English level. Although I know it won't always be easy, I will try to devote at least 2 hours a day to studying. I know there will be days when I can meet this goal and others when I can't, but the important thing is not to give up and keep working hard.

I hope to achieve this goal and reach an advanced level of English. And if any of you are also working on improving your English, may this be your year too!

Thursday, February 18, 2021

My English Level

I use Duolingo as a learning method, my technique consists of repeating spoken and written sentences.

I was surprised when I saw this is my board, and it encourages me to continue to have the advanced level I want to reach. In 2020 I was among the 2% of the best users of this Application. I did more than 60 Hours and I spent time breaking the first tower and the last one, I started with the most difficult and that helped me improve a lot.

These are my results to date.

UI of my task management system in Notion

 In order to be faster in note-taking and task management, I have designed a model that has allowed me to work quickly on both personal and ...